Nurd Universe
The nurdiest universe that exists in the world of NFTs*
This is about the time where you read that the story starts in a galaxy far far away… but that would be a complete over exaggeration. The furthest place this place will reach is somewhere between reality and your imagination, if you squint really hard. The Nurd Universe exists for some and not for others, it’s best to imagine it’s like Peter Pan – if you believe it then it exists.
What is it you ask? A mighty fine question… Imagine you are wearing beer goggles but instead of making everyone way more attractive than you’d normally think they are instead you see a world full of twisted positivity. The trick with this world is the more you wear the glasses, the more you become the world. Just as fun as the world with beer goggles except less hangovers and much less run ins with the law.
Buckle up your seats, slip down your slides, get yourself ready for it’s Nurd Universe time…